I did a consult today. The Client was lamenting how, while he was getting decent email open rates, his clickthroughs sucked.
A little backstory is in order…
I work with this guy on the big huge product launches, but he handles the day-to-day emails to his lists himself.
He asks what my “secrets” are, since he knows pound for pound, I’m acknowledged as one of the best email copywriters out there.
Anyway, I critique his work, he picks my brain and I spill my guts for about 30 minutes. Really good stuff.
So while the information is fresh in my mind, I want to share it you today.
That means you won’t find this in some copywriting guru’s book, or at some seminar or on YouTube. You’re only going to find it right here, right now, so listen closely.
Here’s the great thing what I’m about to share with you:
These secrets will work for any type of online communication.
VSLs, emails, sales letters, native ads, clickbait, you name it.
But before I share, let me put a wrapper around it.
The key to online communication
is to NEVER telegraph yourself.
What am I talking about?
Well, the most vivid examples of telegraphing are in boxing matches.
(Yeah, you can tell I have boxing on my mind. I’ve been following the Mayweather – Pacquiao promotions.)
When telegraphing, a fighter will start do all those things he does to line up a punch. He subconsciously, unknowingly telegraphs his intent. His opponent sees this happening in the moment, and what does he do?
He evades and avoids.
So how do you not telegraph yourself?
Online, there’s only one way I know: Variety.
Make sure you never do the same thing twice. Never fall into a pattern. Keep things random.
This is easier said than done at times. Why?
Well, the most common email scenario is you’re writing emails and you’re getting an ok response. Then one day, you try something. A different subject line, certain subject matter, whatever.
And guess what? It hits! Conversions go through the roof that day.
So what do you do?
Of course, you’re human. You want to do it again.
And therein lies the fatal mistake.
Conversions are pathetic the next time around. Why because the previous day you telegraphed your intent.
The solution?
You must keep changing things up. Variety is a must. Be random. Never let them see you coming.
With that said, let me share with you how I get people to do what I want them to in today’s online world:
To motivate your market, you must understand your market.
I understand the markets I’m in. I know the people who will see my copy very well.
I empathize with them. I acknowledge them. At times, people say I’m psychic.
There’s a reason.
When your reader feels understood, acknowledged and appreciated on a personal level, on an intimate level, when someone really “gets” them, odds are they’ll do what you ask.
The only way through this gauntlet is research. Constant communication. But my secret is not to be objective, clinical or standoffish.
No, I care about the markets I write for.
I’m not saying you don’t. I’m saying ratchet it up. Unleash and really care about your readers, prospects and customers even more.
They’ll reward you in kind.
Make people a benefit-based offer. If you’re a marketer or copywriter, this is probably second nature to you, so I’m not going to go into it.
I’m just letting you know this is in my bag of tricks, but I don’t bludgeon people with benefit after benefit. Often, of course. But I do not telegraph.
This is one of my favorites. In copywriting, they are usually what they call “blind offers”.
Blind offers are where you tell people about the benefits, you do all sorts of short and long term future pacing but you don’t tell them the one thing they’re most curious about.
I’ll also evade the obvious, the thing everybody else may write about. This means they don’t know what I’ll say next
Sometimes, what I’ll do is make what I want them to do so intriguing, it’s irresistible. I’ll have more to say about this in the future, but for now, try injecting more copy with the outcome of stimulating a person’s curiosity.
I use shock deliberately–but not the way you expect. In other words, I change up their expectations, interrupt their way of thinking. Sometimes abruptly. Sometimes unconventionally.
I demonstrated this with my Client today, by triggering my stun gun on our Skype call. (Yes, I own a stun gun. Doesn’t everyone?)
He was beyond surprised. I told him I use it as a shocking reminder.
Change of Perspective:
One of the thing I like to do is try to change someone’s perspective. Get them to look at a situation a different way.
Honestly, I don’t quite understand why this works, but it does.
Sensory Shifts:
As you’ve probably noticed in my writing, I’ll use special characters, different fonts, different ways of using language, to get someone’s attention.
This is easy and it works.
Yeah, sometimes I bribe people to click. Oh, the horror! I’m sure you’re aghast.
My take? A little WIIFM never hurt anybody, did it?
In summary, regardless how powerful they are, do any one or two of these things consistently, and your results will fatigue quickly.
At that point, the only play you have left is to…
Yell Louder!
Unfortunately, at some point, unless you change, even that doesn’t get the job done. And the list is ultimately abandoned.
Don’t let that ever be you, ok?
With these under yor belt, you can do way better. These “motivations” have made myself and Clients wealthy. They can do the same for you.
Hopefully, this has been helpful. Let me know in the comments below, as well as the things YOU DO to encourage people to do what you want.
PS: Just as a reminder, one resource I urge you to check out that also does a great job discussing these types of motivations is Joe Sugarman’s book Triggers.
Since I didn’t use the book in writing this blog, as I come from direct experience, you can be pretty much assured you’ll find a totally different take from Joe.