Do you want to know what the most referenced verse in all the Bible is?
Of course, you don’t. 😉
But YOU WILL appreciate how I know.
You see, in your Kindle you have the ability to highlight important paragraphs and phrases for later access.
You see this info for your own purposes, but more importantly, Amazon sees this. Better still, they have a feature that allows you to see the highlighted aggregations OF EVERYBODY ELSE who’s read the book.
So what’s the most highlighted verse in the Bible?
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4:6–7
(It’s advice I should probably take.)
So let me give you a quick example of how I use this.
I’m writing a brain supplement offer right now and there’s a book on Amazon called Neurogenesis.
It’s a great book if your want to grow your brain.
So what’s the most highlighted paragraph in the book?
Whoa. 186 people took the time to highlight.
That’s pretty cool. I’ll bet I can weave that into the copy, for sure.
Here’s a few more…
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Readers don’t care about the science, they don’t care about how the brain works…
They just want to know how to boost their brains.
Let this be a lesson in Schwartz-like benefit-based writing.
It’s amazing to me that we have tools like this today that allows us to crawl into the minds of our readers and have a look around.
Go ahead and try it for yourself. And if you don’t have a Kindle, get one!